Marriage Retreat

February 10-12, 2023

Laurel Ridge Retreat Center

$100 per couple

A Weekend Away

Life doesn't stop so you can work on your marriage

Work, kids, laundry, dinner - it all needs your attention. It's exhausting and leaves you with little energy for anything else. The enthusiasm you poured into your relationship when you were dating seems to have been thrown out with yesterday's leftovers. Meeting your mate's physical and emotional needs does not come naturally under today's pressures. That pressure can quickly become an invisible wedge separating the two of you from the warmth and love you once felt. The good news is, when you develop tools to reconnect and live life as a team, a fuller, deeper love is in store for you. Attending a United Marriage Encounter Weekend can begin a transformation in your marriage that leads to a lifetime of fulfilling love.

On a Marriage Encounter Weekend, February 10-12 at the Laurel Ridge Retreat Center, you are taught communication tools that can impact your relationship for the rest of your life. You learn to communicate on a deeper level, to learn what it is like to be your spouse.


This is a private Weekend between the 2 of you. After introducing yourselves on Friday evening, the rest of the Weekend is just between the 2 of you. You have the rare opportunity to focus 100% on your spouse for the course of a Weekend experience, away from common distractions such as the internet, TV, children, job, phones, etc. This is an amazing gift to give your spouse in this high-tech age we live in. It has lasting benefits.


This is not a marriage counseling weekend. Our presenting team couples are volunteers who share their life stories to help you communicate better with each other. They give of their time because they care about marriages in our world today and want to leave the legacy of a better world for today’s children.


Have questions? We have the answers!

How much does it cost?
Who are the speakers?
Is it preachy?
What is the schedule like?
What happens on the Marriage Weekend?
Can we skip a session?
Is this going to be heavy or hard content-wise?
Can we invite friends?


We would love to help answer them